Holidays at the Museum

Stacy Cook

Grab your kids, grandkids, neighbors, and friends, and celebrate the holidays with the Vero Beach Museum of Art. Enjoy free admission, family-friendly tours of the exhibitions, and studio activities themed around artworks on display. Delight …

Checking in with Stacy Cook: The Innovative Force Behind Vero Vine and His Latest Ventures

In the bustling heart of Vero Beach, a dynamic personality stands out for his innovative contributions to the digital world and the community. This man is Stacy Cook, the creative mastermind behind Vero Vine, and …

Todd Thomas

Captain America by day, Batman by night… and pastor on Sundays. He’s not your ordinary Super Hero, but alas, is cool nonetheless. He’s real, and he’s passionate about God, Christianity, his family, his community, Disney, …

David Moshier

David Moshier isn’t worried about what anybody thinks of him – he’s focused on contributing to society and staying modest and grateful. “Frankly, I believe that what other people think of me is none of …

Stacy Cook

You ever wonder who the mastermind behind Vero Vine is? The man who is spotted here, there, and everywhere in the Vero Beach area? Who IS he? What’s his story?  That man, Vero folks, is …

Joseph Tarzia

One thing is for sure – when  someone in a local Vero Beach Facebook group asks the question, “Where can I go to get my phone repaired?” – Chances are,  one of the first couple …

Join Vero Vine Recommends

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Join Vero Vine Recommends Now” ] This group is designed to fill the void left behind from the closure of September in Vero. All same rules apply. This is a group for Vero …