Vero Fitness 6 Week Transformation Challenge – Final Results!

The results are in!!! I have officially completed my 6-Week Vero Fitness Transformation Challenge and I’m very satisfied with my results! My goal was to go to the gym at least 5 days per week (M-F) and working out for at least an hour each day for a total of 30 workouts. I think I only missed a total of 4 days during the entire 6 weeks. I learned that when you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up over it, life happens and you just have to get back to your normal schedule the next day. My plan for maintenance is to go at least 3 days per week to keep up with what I’ve lost and to hopefully continue to gain strength and continue to hit my weight loss goal.

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During the last 6 weeks, I’ve attended 13 different foodie events, ranging from restaurant reviews to meetups, a wine dinner, and being a guest judge for the Burgers & Brews event. My first weigh-in was at 240.4 and now I’m down to 233.4 as of 7/25/19 which is a total weight loss of 7.0 lbs!

Vero Fitness utilizes a Fit3D scanner to measure your results with. It creates a 3D model of your body and your measurements. It also estimates your Body Composition. Below are my scan results from day 1 and day 48.


Physical Fitness Baseline Test ResultsPush-Ups, 9 in 60 sec, Sit Ups, 6 in 60 sec, Bench Press, 90 lbs, Leg Press, 260 lbs.

Final Results

Physical Fitness Final Test ResultsPush-Ups, 12 in 60 sec, Sit Ups, 13 in 60 sec, Bench Press, 135 lbs, Leg Press, 410 lbs.

Side by Side Comparison

In Conclusion:

I was really nervous when I first started this challenge because I’ve never been good at following through and keeping up with my workouts in the past. Blogging about it and sharing my results with all of you is what kept me motivated. Now that the challenge is over, I hope I can keep the motivation and continue my wellness journey.

I wanted to give a shoutout and a special thank everyone that helped me during this 6-week transformation challenge! Katie Smith, General Manager, David Puglisi, Personal Training Director, and Kaylan Keathley, Personal Trainer at Vero Fitness, and Nick and Danielle from Dinner Revolution for sponsoring my meals during this challenge.

Nutrition is also very important to my success, so I’m partnering with the new Dinner Revolution restaurant located off of 27th Ave between 5th St SW and Oslo Road. They just opened about 3 months ago and meal prep is a huge part of their business. Anytime Fitness is in the same plaza and a lot of their customers are taking advantage of having them prepare their nutritious meals for the week. They will be sponsoring me throughout this 6-week program with one meal per day, five times per week in exchange for advertising services. If you would like more information about them, please click here!

About My Trainer

Kaylan is a native of Florida and grew up in Vero Beach, Florida. As a youth, she was very involved with the community and is now excited to be serving her home town once again. Kaylan has been working as a personal trainer since 2013 and since becoming a trainer Kaylan has successfully worked with a wide variety of clients including both men and women (of all ages), youth and weight management clients alike but she has found a special niche working with seniors and clients with injuries, physical impairments, and pre-surgery/post-physical therapy. To book a session with her, please contact Vero Fitness for additional information at 772-567-1400.

Since I believe in full disclosure, I would like to mention that Vero Beach Foodie and Vero Fitness are bartering for fitness training in trade for advertising via these blog posts to help promote their new program. Vero Fitness was just rebranded from The Jungle Club to Vero Fitness so this is helping them get the word out. I’m going through the program just as anyone else would and I’m not getting any special treatment to “enhance” my results. A personal trainer has been assigned as my coach throughout the program and we will meet for a total of 6 times during the 6-weeks. Retail value of the 6-Week Transformation Challenge is $199.99.

"The Food Guy"
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