Make a Plate Photo Contest Winners

A BIG Thank You to all who submitted. This has to be one of my favorite contests. I just love everything about food, being with friends and family, the challenge of a new recipe and …

A Life Guard in Vero Beach is a “Constable of the Surf”

Humiston Beach, Vero Beach, named one of the 10 best beaches “scattered across the U.S” for families in 2014, ” according to BY BEING A LIFE GUARD IN VERO BEACH YOU MAY NOT BE …

Grounded & Going Places: Take Notice of this Vero Beach Voice

The world is Jackie Steil’s oyster.  This Vero Beach High School senior has music in her soul AND the drive and smarts to take that talent wherever she chooses to go.  Jackie is insightful and mature beyond her years …

“Wholistic” Care: A New National Trend in Your Backyard

Changes in healthcare and health insurance are red hot topics.  Few of us escape the heavily bureaucratic and confusing world that is modern medicine.  Insurance companies seem to be holding the reigns – leaving healthcare consumers, pharmacists …

Loving Life by Walking Cross Country

Love.  It is what Valentine’s Day is all about, right?  Roses, chocolate, special Valentines on your desk or in the mail?  Certainly that is the “Hallmark” version and the one we all grew up celebrating. …