Vero Fitness 6 Week Transformation Challenge – 3 Week Update!

As of this past Friday, I’ve “officially” hit the halfway point of the 6 Week Challenge! I’ve been going to the gym 5 days per week (M-F) and working out for at least an hour each day. Vero Fitness has a LOT of classes (included with your membership) that I’ve been experimenting to see which ones I like best. Click here to view their full class schedule! So far I’ve tried the Body Shock, GTS Strength, GTS Pilates, HIIT Boxing, and a Spin class. My favorite is GTS Strength since I feel that I get an overall full body workout in one hour. My personal trainer assigned to me during this challenge is Kaylan Keathley. She is very knowledgable and I feel that I’m learning a lot from her throughout this process. She has also been pushing me as I get stronger and in better shape each time that we meet.

Prior to starting this challenge, I was following a low carb diet for quite a while which I think has helped me maintain my weight. I would daily fast in what is known as a 16/8 split where I would only eat from 10:00 am till 6:00 pm. During this time, I would only eat 2 meals with a snack per day. My personal trainer Kaylan recommended that I split up a few of my meals into smaller portions and eat more often to boost my metabolism. I looked at her as if she was a little crazy. Did she realize that she just told the BIGGEST FOODIE in Vero to eat more often?!?

Listed below are typical meals and food items I try to fit into my day. Disclaimer: My average caloric intake per day is around 2000 calories.

Breakfast – 2 – 4 eggs sunny side up, 2 -3 oz of smoked sausage, 1 slice of Dave’s Killer 21-grain bread or a banana, 1 – 2 tbs of President salted butter and 2 cups of water.

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Snack – 2/3 cup of Hot House cucumber, 4 tbs of hummus, 2 oz of mixed nuts, 2 oz of cheese, 2 tbs of peanut butter, and two 86% dark chocolate squares.

Lunch – Dinner Revolution is providing me with 1 meal per day, 5 days per week during the 6 weeks and I typically eat it early afternoon. (See images below for further details) Depending on how the day goes and how busy I am, this meal might be pushed till dinner time. 2 cups of water.

Dinner – 4 – 6 oz of protein and a salad or vegetable and 2 cups of water.

During the last 3 weeks, I’ve attended 9 different foodie events, ranging from restaurant reviews to meetups, a wine dinner, and being a guest judge for the Burgers & Brews event. My first weigh-in was at 240.4 and now I’m down to 235.8 as of 7/1/19 which is a loss of 4.6 lbs total.

Vero Fitness has a Fit3D scanner that creates a 3D model of your body and your measurements. It also estimates your Body Composition. Below are my scan results from day 1. My next blog post about this will be in 3 weeks with a progress report of how I’m doing, feeling, and once again at the end of the 6-week program with an updated scan to see my results.

The images below are my starting point from the Fit3D scan that was taken on day 1. These will be updated and I will show a side by side comparison once I complete the program to show the progress that I made.

Nutrition is also very important to my success, so I’m partnering with the new Dinner Revolution restaurant located off of 27th Ave between 5th St SW and Oslo Road. They just opened about 6 weeks ago and meal prep is a huge part of their business. Anytime Fitness is in the same plaza and a lot of their customers are taking advantage of having them prepare their nutritious meals for the week. They will be sponsoring me throughout this 6-week program with one meal per day, five times per week in exchange for advertising services. If you would like more information about them, please click here!

About My Trainer

Kaylan is a native of Florida and grew up in Vero Beach, Florida. As a youth, she was very involved with the community and is now excited to be serving her home town once again. Kaylan has been working as a personal trainer since 2013 and since becoming a trainer Kaylan has successfully worked with a wide variety of clients including both men and women (of all ages), youth and weight management clients alike but she has found a special niche working with seniors and clients with injuries, physical impairments, and pre-surgery/post physical therapy.

“I really enjoy working with this clientele, ” Kaylan says; “I’m always impressed with the effort they put in and it is so rewarding to work with them and see their results change their lives! I think I share a similar work ethic with these individuals… and it shows in what we are able to accomplish together.” She is currently working to finish her NASM Master Trainer Certification. To book a session with her, please contact Vero Fitness for additional information at 772-567-1400.

Since I believe in full disclosure, I would like to mention that Vero Beach Foodie and Vero Fitness are bartering for fitness training in trade for advertising via these blog posts to help promote their new program. Vero Fitness was just rebranded from The Jungle Club to Vero Fitness so this is helping them get the word out. I’m going through the program just as anyone else would and I’m not getting any special treatment to “enhance” my results. A personal trainer has been assigned as my coach throughout the program and we will meet for a total of 6 times during the 6-weeks. Retail value of the 6-week Transformation Challenge is $199.99.

"The Food Guy"
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