“The Food Guy” takes on the Vero Fitness 6 Week Transformation Challenge!

As someone who spends a lot of time at my desk editing photos and writing restaurant reviews, I am concerned about my health. I’ve worked out in the past, but would always lose motivation and quit. My biggest hurdle was just getting to the gym. I would play mind games with myself and talk myself out of going. Once I got to the gym, I did enjoy my time there and the way I felt after each workout. Earlier this year I decided to make a life change and go full-time Vero Beach Foodie on February 1st. I also just launched a new company, , so food is coming at me all the time now. I eat out on average 3+ times per week because it’s part of my job. While attending a We are Vero business networking event a few weeks ago, I ran into David Puglisi. He is a personal trainer and works at the newly re-branded Vero Fitness, formerly The Jungle Club. It’s here that I learned about their new 6-Week Transformation Challenge Program and thought this would be a great way for me to get back in shape and also blog about my progress as I go through it. I’m not afraid of hard work, and I will put in the time to achieve the results that I want out of this program. My progress will be fully documented via this blog and 2 more with updates on how I’m doing and my final end of program results.

Vero Fitness has a Fit3D scanner that creates a 3D model of your body and your measurements. It also estimates your Body Composition. Below are my scan results from day 1. My next blog post about this will be in 3 weeks with a progress report of how I’m doing, feeling, and once again at the end of the 6-week program with an updated scan to see my results.

The images below are my starting point from the Fit3D scan that was taken on day 1. These will be updated and I will show a side by side comparison once I complete the program to show the progress that I made.

Nutrition is also very important to my success, so I’m partnering with the new Dinner Revolution restaurant located off of 27th Ave between 5th St SW and Oslo Road. They just opened about 6 weeks ago and meal prep is a huge part of their business. Anytime Fitness is in the same plaza and a lot of their customers are taking advantage of having them prepare their nutritious meals for the week. They will be sponsoring me throughout this 6-week program with one meal per day, five times per week in exchange for advertising services.

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Since I believe in full disclosure, I would like to mention that Vero Beach Foodie and Vero Fitness are bartering for fitness training in trade for advertising via these blog posts to help promote their new program. Vero Fitness was just rebranded from The Jungle Club to Vero Fitness so this is helping them get the word out. I’m going through the program just as anyone else would and I’m not getting any special treatment to “enhance” my results. A personal trainer has been assigned as my coach throughout the program and we will meet for a total of 6 times during the 6-weeks. Retail value of the 6-week Transformation Challenge is $199.99.

"The Food Guy"
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