Starting Vero Vine was not really an impulse decision, or one that was made with a business plan in mind. It was just an attempt at doing something better that we already love to do; …
Why is Vero Vine Invitation Only?
Why do we do this? Why the extra step? Just like the content on the website and email is curated to ensure the quality of the experience. The community invitations are also carefully reviewed to …
Favorite Father’s Day Quotes
As a father of 3 of with a fourth on the way this is a very special weekend for me and all of us dads. It is no secret the Vine caters a great deal …
Subscribe to Vero Vine via our New Facebook App
We are very proud of this as Facebook has approved our app now as a Page Tab on our Facebook page. Now you don’t even have to leave Facebook to subscribe and interact with us. …