Mel Fisher Days “Pirate Invasion”
SAVE THE DATES: July 19th – July 21st, 2024
CALLING ALL PIRATES! Grab yer Krewe and yer mug and set sail for historic Sebastian, Fl for the legendary Mel Fishers Days! Normally held in Key West, it’s coming back to “where it all began”! This year being the 26th year of this epic event!
This weekend will have everything Pirates love! Rum, booty, rum, a kick off PARTY! A scavenger hunt bar crawl, a book signing by incredible authors, rum, a dockside party with a charity flair, rum, the scallywags cornhole tournament, rum AND MUCH MORE! PLUS a scavenger hunt for those thinking themselves to be TRUE treasure hunters!
Visit the Mel Fisher Days website at https://www.melfisher.com/MOBILE/site/MelFisherDays.html to pre-register for events such as the Scavenger Hunt Bar Crawl ($35pp), and the Scallywags Cornhole Tournament ($25pp). There is also a complete weekend event schedule on the site.
Other lodging option: https://treasurecoastgetaways.com/
If you’re looking for something different, fun, spotlessly clean with all the comforts of home? Kitchens, fire pits, grills, and spectacular riverfront views? Look no further than the cottages of Treasure Coast Getaways. Cottages sleep 2 to 10 guests. Visit the website or call Pam at and tell her the Captain sent ya!
If you’re looking for something different, fun, spotlessly clean with all the comforts of home? Kitchens, fire pits, grills, and spectacular riverfront views? Look no further than the cottages of Treasure Coast Getaways. Cottages sleep 2 to 10 guests. Visit the website or call Pam at and tell her the Captain sent ya!
But let’s not forget. This is all for a GREAT CAUSE! This weekend long event benefits the Michael Abt. Jr. Have a Heart Foundation AND Wesley House Family Services.
ALL NET PROFITS OF THESE EVENTS GO TO THE CHARITIES!��As you probably know, Wesley House is a nationally accredited not-for-profit organization dedicated to protecting and nurturing children and strengthening families with programs and services that span all of Monroe County. The Michael Abt Jr. Have a Heart Foundation is a 501-c-3 Florida charity that supports heart screenings on youth, awareness of sudden cardiac arrest in children, CPR training for those who work with youth, and placement of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) in schools. All donations to either of these organizations are tax deductible. Please visit their websites with these links to learn more about their programs. Wesley House Family Services Michael Abt Jr. Have a Heart Foundation (haveaheartformichael.org)
ALL NET PROFITS OF THESE EVENTS GO TO THE CHARITIES!��As you probably know, Wesley House is a nationally accredited not-for-profit organization dedicated to protecting and nurturing children and strengthening families with programs and services that span all of Monroe County. The Michael Abt Jr. Have a Heart Foundation is a 501-c-3 Florida charity that supports heart screenings on youth, awareness of sudden cardiac arrest in children, CPR training for those who work with youth, and placement of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) in schools. All donations to either of these organizations are tax deductible. Please visit their websites with these links to learn more about their programs. Wesley House Family Services Michael Abt Jr. Have a Heart Foundation (haveaheartformichael.org)
“Now bring on that horizon…” “Today’s the Day!”