Savor Stone Crab Claws & Catch a Delicious Destructor

Lion Fish from Crab E BillsOne of the most famous lions in literary history searched long and hard for courage.  Crab E Bill found it years ago and uses that courage to harvest AND market one of the most destructive, invasive fish species of recent.  Lionfish, native to the Indo-Pacific, are rapidly populating the ocean in our area and eating our reefs and sealife at an alarming rate.  Some of their favorite feasts happen to be baby seaturtles and snapper.  With no known natural predators, fishmongers such as Crab E Bill have been courageously bagging more than 100 per day in an attempt to stem the invasion.  (No timid feat as Lionfish sport 18 venomous spines.)  The journey from Crab E’s bag to your plate is a win-win reuse/recycle event; and it is your taste buds that are in for a real treat!

So who are these delicious tasting beasts under our sea and why are they a threat?  Lionfish, sometimes referred to as Scorpionfish are “capable of causing extinctions of native plants and animals, reducing biodiversity, competing with native organisms for limited resources, and altering habitats”. ( Their invasion is often attributed to dumping from home aquariums over the last few decades.  Pretty destructive and they are “able to survive in 90% fresh water water”‘ per Crab E. Bill.  Crab E is incredibly concerned by their existence and negative effect on the ocean environment.  Besides harvesting Lionfish and selling the meat at Crab E Bills Seafood in Sebastian, Bill is organizing a “rodeo” to raise awareness and get more people involved in bagging these invaders.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Crab E Bill has been a “Fishmonger and Meat Butcher” for over 25 years.  His passion is FRESH fish or “from hook to cook” as he likes to say.  That passion was ignited when 16, while working at the world famous Joe’s Stone Crab Restaurant in Miami.  Crab E Bills, on the historic waterfront in Sebastian, provides the Stone Crab Claw lover the best claws he can get his hands on during season (October 15 to May 15).  While Stone Crab harvests have declined over the last few years, Bill is committed to keeping his harvest fresh and local.  The seafood market and restaurant also sell the absolute best quality, freshest seafood you will find anywhere on the Treasure Coast.

While it was the search for the best Stone Crab claws that first led me to discover Crab E Bills, it is the Lionfish tacos, Bill’s passion and fish tales that keep me coming back again and again.  Go.  You will not be disappointed!

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For more information about Lionfish:

The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission ( encourages the public to report LIonfish by using their “Report Florida Lionfish” App.

Stone Crab Claws in Vero:

Joey’s Seafood Shack,, 772.918.8855

Ocean Grill,, (772) 231.5409


AND of course, Check out Crab E Bills on Facebook and make sure to visit their website,, to receive their weekly emails featuring money saving specials for their email customers.  The market & restaurant are in Sebastian:   1540 Indian River Drive, Sebastian 32958, (772) 388.2727






Sherry Nist