What are you going to do with all of this free time? If your house is anything like mine it got totally re- or de-organized in the last 3 months. Here are some ideas for putting some order back into your life.
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Organizing is not just for closets or cabinets. It can be bedrooms, home office, media center, garage, wall beds, under beds and more. There are a wide variety of products to help you rethink your spaces and remove the clutter from your life. We do have a local store that offers Free assistance with products and room designs, California Closet on Royal Palm Pointe.
With just over 2 months left till our little one arrives, we have been in a cleaning and organizing frenzy! I guess it’s what they call the “nesting stage,” but with the kids back to school there’s really no time like the present to get things in order. I’ve been going through toys that no longer get used, and clothes that no longer fit, and other various household items that need to be donated. The boxes are all piled up in the garage ready to go. Some times we donate to Good Will and some times via friends.
Kidz Closet is by far the best place in town to donate/consign kids toys, clothes, uniforms, and maternity items. Unsold items are donated to charity. You can also put items you no longer use on our Classified section of Vero Vine. Make a little extra cash, or just post any free items to be hauled away. We slowly have been getting rid of the need for our storage unit by either giving away for pickup or selling our stored items. Did you notice above… o r g a n a z i z e d.
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California Closet | Kids Closet | Free Classifieds
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