Cool or not? Perception is in the eye of, well – each individual.
He’s usually home every night, and on weekends. He completed a 30-year career in the newspaper business in 2014. His marriage is nearly in it’s 23rd year at the end of October.
Russ Lemmon, a Floridian since 2006 and publisher of Lemmon Lines, does not consider himself cool. He had nothing to brag about when reminiscing over his lifetime spent as a sports writer, sports editor, news columnist, and husband. Lemmon Lines is about to mark its five-year anniversary date on October 14, 2019.
“If there was a checklist for what makes for a “cool” guy, I seriously doubt I would have enough check-marks to make the cut,” Lemmon said.
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Others beg to differ.
Lemmon has a flair for Strat-O-Matic baseball. You can meet him at Table 51 at Bob Evans – unofficially “his” table – where he conducts interviews and meetings and whatnot. He had the “surreal,”as he put it, experience of witnessing the execution of serial killer David Gore in 2012. He compiled and published a list of his favorite 500 songs. (Yes, really – 500!) His citrus fruit-themed last name (with the additional “m”) is widely recognized by his long-time followers and easy to recognize by new followers.
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The laid-back, dedicated, and nonchalant lifetime journalist may not consider himself cool, but the above-mentioned facts are most certainly cool factors and why he is considered one of Vero’s Coolest Personalities.
Lemmon grew up in Indiana and through his career in journalism, has lived in Nebraska, California, and Ohio before moving to Florida.
When he made the decision to leave the newspaper business, he did so with confidence and ease – and of course a plan.

“I wanted to control my own destiny in the years leading up to retirement,” Lemmon explained. And so, that’s exactly what he has done and continues to do with the writing, organization, publication, distribution, and accounting for Lemmon Lines. The eight-page publication is available weekly on Mondays at 70 locations within the Indian River County area. On Tuesdays, it is also available online at www.lemmonlines.com.
Even with all that he does to run his weekly print newsletter, Lemmon still gives credit elsewhere. The most important part he says – advertising sales – is the responsibility of Shannon Herndon, his one staff member. Herndon also writes a weekly feature in the publication, aside from the 30 or more hours that she spends out in the field contributing and networking for the publication’s advertising sales, according to Lemmon.
He prides the Lemmon Lines as being “a showcase for locally-owned businesses with pertinent information about life in Indian River County.”
Lemmon has also taken the time to showcase his top 500 favorite songs – with description and explanation of each. Music is also an obvious passion of his, aside from Strat-O-Matic baseball, which he says most don’t know about and should likely just look it up or show up at one of their events.
“Ain’t no use in complaining when you’ve got a job to do.”
Song Lyric from Summer of ’69 by Bryan Adams.
He is a man who practices what he preaches – and is an example of such. Lemmon defines himself as a “work hard and good things will happen” type of guy. He does work hard. And good things continue to happen.
Though he tends to downplay his life – nothing extravagant – nothing dramatic, pretty routine and stable, his followers commend him on keeping them informed and enjoy his weekly topical column.
Lemmon’s level of positive thinking surrounds practical work ethic, and, of course, a song lyric – “Ain’t no use in complaining when you’ve got a job to do,” by Bryan Adams in his hit Summer of ’69.
To reach Russ Lemmon, you can email him at russ@lemmonlines.com. To find out about advertising opportunities, call 772-321-3869.
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