Protect the Sea Turtles

Whether you are a resident or a visitor, remember to take beach furniture, boats and canopies off of the beaches at night so these items won’t block sea turtles attempting to nest. When departing at the end of the day, beach visitors should fill any holes dug in the sand so nesting and hatchling turtles don’t become trapped. Please be careful not to disturb nesting sea turtles by getting too close, shining lights on them or taking flash photos. 

The following activities are prohibited on or seaward of the primary dune during turtle nesting season:

(1) The operation of motorized vehicles, except for emergency and law enforcement vehicles or persons who have authorization or a permit to engage in marine turtle conservation or research issued by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and state department of environmental protection approved mechanical beach cleanings.

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(2) Horseback riding

(3) Campfires or bonfires.

In accordance with F.S. ch. 370 and the U. S. Endangered Species Act of 1973, it shall be unlawful for any person to kill, harass, or cause direct or indirect injury to any species of marine turtle within the corporate limits of the City of Vero Beach. It shall be unlawful to collect or possess any part of a marine turtle, turtle nest and/or egg(s)

MARCH – JULY: Leatherback sea turtles begin to come ashore from March through July to lay their eggs. Florida is the only state in the continental U.S. where leatherback sea turtles regularly nest. With the exception of a few nests on the west coast, leatherbacks nest almost exclusively on the east coast of Florida. In fact, about 50 percent of leatherback nesting occurs in Palm Beach County.

APRIL – SEPTEMBER: Loggerhead sea turtles typically nest in Florida from April through September. In the United States, 90 percent of all loggerhead nesting occurs in Florida. The majority of this nesting takes place on the east coast of Florida. In fact, in Brevard County there were 23,457 loggerhead nests in 2014.

JUNE – SEPTEMBER: Green sea turtle nesting in Florida occurs from June through late September with the highest concentration of nests along Florida’s east coast – but green turtle nests have been found in every coastal county of the Sunshine State.

Get more information through Vero Vine. Turtle Trax. Guided Tours. IRC Coastal Division.

Nikki Kalin
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