Mink Tyner

Mink Tyner is owner and tattoo artist at M’Ink House Tattoo Company in Vero Beach.

Beauty and art go hand in hand, and an artist’s canvas can be pretty much anything, anywhere, and in Mink Tyner’s eyes, anyone.

She is doing what she loves to do, living a life she is grateful to live, raising a family she is an influence on, teacher to, and protector of, and living in a community that has been home to her since Day 1.

“Vero is very diverse, but fairly tight knit,” Tyner said. “Something I have always loved about it. We do tend to get a bit ridiculous with the Facebook pages. Poor Joyce and her dock.”

Tyner owns and operates her tattoo parlor in Vero Beach – M’Ink House – and her name and her artwork are often seen in and around the community and on social media.

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“I love that with every single tattoo that I do, regardless of its personal meaning to the person wearing it, I have a piece of me out there in the world living, being seen, going places I may never get to myself,” Tyner said. “It’s very humbling.”

Humble, she remains. Grateful, she is. And “cool” – she admits she is. Finally! The cool folks who know they’re cool are quite few and far between. But when you’re cool, you’re cool.

Mink Tyner with three of the four children she loves as her own. Photo courtesy Mink Tyner.

“I’ve always felt I’m pretty cool by my standards,” Tyner said. “I laugh at my own jokes a lot, so that has to count for something,” she expressed with a laugh, proving her point. “And for the most part, I’ve always thought I was cool.”

As for what she brings to the Vero Beach community, Tyner admitted she brings diversity and growth. And regardless of what others think, she is her own person, and those who know her embrace her positive attitude.

“My appearance and presence can make some people uneasy, so I enjoy getting chances to re-define their ideas in a bit more positive direction,” Tyner explained. “Even if it means holding the door and smiling for the lady that just gave me a look and shook her head.”

Along with diversity and positive influence, Tyner brings the element of surprise.

“Most people don’t expect of me the things I am capable of based on their initial assessment of my person,” Tyner said. “My character alone forces some people to leave their comfort zone and face their biases about societal standards.”

Though she is finally made it to her dream career of being a tattoo artist, Mink has always excelled in whatever job or career path she took on.

“I have done everything from fixing cars and scrubbing toilets to balancing books and managing sales floors,” she said. Tyner also spent time travelling around the country setting up “wild” Spring Break events for large marketing corporations. No matter what she did to pay the bills, she did so with a positive mindset and spirit.

“I have accomplished seeing the ugly underbelly of the world and rising above it, hopefully to bring lessons and wisdom, and along the way I have acquired numerous skill sets,” Tyner said.

Her professional success speaks for itself, as does her personal success – her family.

“I beat many odds in court to adopt my first two nieces and keep them out of the system,” Tyner confided. “I’m currently working on adopting my newest niece so she can stay with her sisters. I’ve turned a number of questionable beginnings into promising lives for myself and my beautiful wife and family.”

Mink Tyner jumped through hoops to gain custody of her two nieces, and against all odds, she was granted guardianship through the Indian River County court system. She hopes to adopt her third niece, an infant, as well.
Photo courtesy Mink Tyner.

Growing up, Tyner was in ROTC, FFA, and was student body president in her junior high. She began an “Adopt a Grandparentprogram back then which inspired a project she currently has in the works in Indian River County. She was also recognized for her artistic ability at a young age through a scholarship given to her by the Vero Beach Museum of Art.

She and her partner, Maranda Coleman, consistently look for ways to give back to the community, whether through attending charity events as a family, or supporting local food drives.

Tyner admits she does put in long days, but that’s because she loves what she does and the people she does it for. Her days off she really tries to devote to home life.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

~ Mahatma Ghandi
A quote that Vero Beach “Cool Personality” Mink Tyner lives by.

“If I’m not working, running errands, or attending a work-related event, I am spending time with my family or fixing and doing things at home that need done,” Tyner said. Her family is her reason why she does what she does and puts so much heart into everything that she does. That, and a desire to break the destructive cycles that she has seen throughout her life.

Mink Tyner and Maranda Coleman. Photo courtesy Mink Tyner.

She lives by two quotes: the first, by Mahatma Ghandi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” And the second, by Genghis Khan, “I am the punishment of God. Had you not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” Both quotes are related to postive change, the first to inspire others, the second for when, as Tyner explained, “positive change fails.”

M’Ink House Tattoo Company is located at 1179 Old Dixie Highway in Vero Beach. To inquire about appointments or services, text (772) 360-0617. Like many talented artists, Mink reminds customers that tattoos are a luxury expense, as are piercings, and appropriate time and attention must be given to the artwork before, during, and after the work is done.

Jennifer Stockdale
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