Main Street Vero Beach’s April Guest artist is Stephen Holloway

Main Street Vero Beach is proud to announce that Stephen Holloway will be the guest artist for the month of April. The opening reception will be during First Friday, the 6th, Friday before the Hibiscus Festival, from 5-8 pm.

He began his mosaic art as a creative activity to pursue during his retirement years.

His interest in mosaics began when he took mosaic classes at Kansas State University during the 1960’s. After he retired in 2001 from a 30 year career as an architect, he finally had time to devote to the creation of mosaics and to create a legacy for his grandchildren: Stephen, Joshua, Bryan and Anna.

His design process begins when he photographs an interesting tropical plant.  In his studio 

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(a.k.a., his garage) he interpret the photo, sketching a design on the mounting surface.  It is his intention to artfully interpret what he sees in the photo and to lock in that vision with pieces of tile.

He loves the graphic art aspects of mosaics.  His greatest enjoyment comes with the selection of various combinations of colors and shapes to achieve the desired effect.  This art combines my passion for art and tropical plants.  Whether in Florida, Spain, the Caribbean or Hawaii, he is always awed and inspired by the shapes, variety and colors of tropical plants.

Main Street Vero Beach Studios & Gallery is located at 2036 14th Avenue in the Historic Downtown Arts District. Main Street Vero Beach (MSVB) works to revitalize, preserve and create a vibrant, historic downtown community in which to live, work, shop and play. Main Street Vero Beach (MSVB) is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Florida Main Street program, part of the State Division of Historical Resources and is a member of The National Main Street Center a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Across the nation, Main Street’s 4-point approach of Organization, Promotion, Design, and Economic Restructuring has transformed the way communities revitalize, promote and manage their historic downtown’s and neighborhood commercial districts. Main Streets everywhere thrive again living on as places of shared memory where people still come together to live, work, and play.

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