Iconic Olympic Bobsled Coming To Vero Beach

Iconic Olympic Bobsled Coming To Vero Beach

When you think of pro wrestling, you normally don’t think of bobsledding but when IGNITE Wrestling returns to Walking Tree Brewery in Vero Beach on August 25th at 1pm, the spunky wrestling company will have a piece of Olympic history on hand for fans to get up close and personal with on hand.

Nascar Legend Geoff Bodine brought Nascar principles, competitive savvy, and 3-D design software to bear in building a gold-worthy bobsled. As he was watching the winter Olympics on TV in 1992 when the sportscaster said something that would change Bodine’s life. The event was bobsledding, and the American team was not faring well. Noting that bobsledding was an event where equipment was exceedingly important, the sportscaster wondered aloud if one reason the Americans were faring poorly is that they had bought their bobsleds from the very countries they were competing against.

Now years later, Bodine and his design team have built bobsleds for Olympic teams that have gone on to win a number of gold medals: Women brought home the gold in Salt Lake City in 2002, and the four-man USA-1 team also won gold in Vancouver in 2010. It was the first time an American four-man team placed first since 1948, and it makes them defending champions at Sochi.

Fans will get a chance to see this piece of history starting at 12 pm through the IGNITE Wrestling show.  Tickets for the wrestling event on site are available at Eventbrite.com or at the door.

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