Home Events Vero Beach Home & Remodel Show

Vero Beach Home & Remodel Show

<p>• 9am-5pm, SAT & 10am-4pm SUN. Admission is Free.</p>
<p><img src=’https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7c052c_35b8697e7a714f45a40b6754d538d0a0~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_419,h_241,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Logowith%20brush%20hi%20res.webp’ alt=’Logowith brush hi res.png’ /></p>
<div id=’comp-jnhpq8if’ class=’_1Q9if’ data-testid=’richTextElement’>
<h2 class=’font_2′>The Next Vero Beach Home & Remodel Show:<br />
Winter Edition is January 15-16, 2022!<br />
FREE Admission & Parking<br />
See the BIG Art & Craft Expo Just Steps Away and Also Free Admission!<br />
Located at the Indian River County Fairgrounds 7955 58th Ave in Vero Beach!<br />
<a href=’https://www.patriothomeshows.com/vero-directions’ target=’_self’ rel=’noopener’>Click Here for Directions!</a><br />
<a href=’https://www.patriothomeshows.com/vero-beach-exhibitors’ target=’_self’ rel=’noopener’>EXHIBITORS, CLICK HERE</a></h2>
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<p class=’font_7′>Food, Adult BeveragesLive Music and FUN!</p>
<div id=’comp-kjnh6gsr’ class=’XUUsC’ title=”>
<div class=’xQ_iF’ data-testid=’linkElement’><img src=’https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7c052c_a1d38f3518bd4c98b20c7073735310b7~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_141,h_126,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/LIVE%20MUSIC%20HI%20RES%20TRANSPARENT.webp’ alt=’LIVE MUSIC HI RES TRANSPARENT.png’ /></div>
<div id=’comp-jhm5rds6′ class=’_1Q9if’ data-testid=’richTextElement’>
<h2 class=’font_2′>Inspiration Starts Here With Boundless Possibilities at Any Patriot Home & Remodel Show and Arts & Crafts Expo!</h2>
<div id=’comp-jhm65ahv’ class=’_1Q9if’ data-testid=’richTextElement’>
<p class=’font_8′>This 2 day event will leave you renewed with options to better your homestead, ideas for home improvement projects, experience new products and services on the market. You’ll be amazed by what you’ll find for your home, property, farm or ranch all under one roof!<br />
Also see the rows and rows of inspiration & creativity with the Arts & Crafts Expo part of our events! Live music at all our shows!</p>

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Jan 15 2022


9:00 am - 5:00 pm