Treasure Coast Ribs Wings and Rock Festival $1000 Cornhole Tournament
This is a Guaranteed $1000 BYOP/BYOB cornhole Tournament.
1st place-$500
2nd place-$300
3rd place-$200
1st place-$500
2nd place-$300
3rd place-$200
Warmups and Registration 11-12:15pm
Bags Fly at 12:30 pm
Bags Fly at 12:30 pm
$35 pp or $70 per Team if you pre-register at:…/FifthAnnualCornholeTourn……/FifthAnnualCornholeTourn…
$100 per team Day of registration
***Pre-Registration gets you 3 day event admission tickets!!
***Pre-Registration gets you 3 day event admission tickets!!
Come out and listen to some great rock music, eat lots of food, drink lots of beer and play some cornhole!