Home Events Heroes 5k Treasure Coast Team

Heroes 5k Treasure Coast Team

<div class=’ai1ec-event-avatar alignleft timely’><img src=’https://timelyapp-static.time.ly/images/38898986/163916456_5491918954159446_6995986466677086701_n.jpg%3F_nc_cat%3D107%26ccb%3D1-3%26_nc_sid%3D340051%26_nc_ohc%3D26VgB_Aj_UsAX9C-0nS%26_nc_ht%3Dscontent.fmia1-1.fna%26oh%3De1dce653439b0117ef6c9da891947fba%26oe%3D607FF10F’ /></div><p>Help us support children on the Treasure Coast.</p><p>Did you know April is Childhood Abuse Prevention Month?</p><p>You can be a HERO for a child!</p><p></p><p>From April 19th-24th, in recognition of Childhood Abuse Prevention Month, we will grab our pinwheels for prevention and running shoes, and join together (in spirit, from wherever!) to invest in the future of children and families in the Treasure Coast. The Treasure Coast Team has the option of participating in person in Palm Beach (April 24th) or VIRTUALLY* in support of families in our community! You can choose which you prefer through registration. </p><p></p><p>For over 30 years, Children’s Home Society of Florida in the Treasure Coast has served thousands of children and families. We provide solutions that change life trajectories. These solutions address or prevent challenges that lead to child abuse and neglect, mental health issues, extended stays in foster care and homelessness. Our team works to build bridges to success for the children, teens and families we serve. The 2021 Heroes 5k Treasure Coast Team will raise critical funds for children and families in our community.</p><p></p><p>Join us and let’s make a difference in the lives of the Treasure Coast’s most vulnerable!</p><p></p><p>Can’t run but want to help? You can donate and make a difference in the life of a child TODAY.</p><p></p><p>$500 can pay for a medical evaluation for each child who may have endured abuse</p><p>$200 can pay for translation services for parents who speak english as a second language. non-english speaking parents.to be provided per assessment. This is crucially important for effective communications and information gathering. </p><p>$120 can help to to provide a diagnostic evaluation in physical abuse cases.</p><p>$100 can assist with copays on medications if the family has no insurance or if they have not met a deductible.</p><p>$15 per child can provide a shirt, leggings or sweatpants, underwear, flip flops, and small toiletries could be provided to each child to change into new, clean clothes following a medical evaluation.</p><p>EVERYTHING COUNTS!</p>

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Apr 19 - 24 2021


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Children's Home Society of Florida