<div class=’ai1ec-event-avatar alignleft timely’><img src=’https://timelyapp-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/images/38898986/GOG%20Mid%20Logo_j4xJ.jpg’ /></div><p>GARDEN OF GLASS</p>
<p>by master glass sculptor and blower Jason Gamrath</p>
<p>FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 – SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2023</p>
<p>(Excludes Mondays and Major Holidays)</p>
<p>This colorful and thought-provoking exhibit celebrates the beauty, wonderment, and</p>
<p>power in the natural world through the medium of glass. This exhibition features 10</p>
<p>stunning glass orchids, waterlilies, and plants standing anywhere from six to fourteen</p>
<p>feet tall on display throughout the Garden. This is Jason’s first outdoor garden exhibit in</p>
<p>Each bright and colorful piece is intended to accurately represent its living counterpart</p>
<p>on a macro scale, bringing to light the beauty that exists within the micro scale of</p>
<p>nature. Both delicate and monumental, these one-of-a-kind sculptures convey the</p>
<p>complexity of their living counterparts, engaging the viewers in new ways of looking at</p>
<p>nature through the fragility of glass art. Small plants, although minuscule in comparison</p>
<p>to our human-sized way of existing, are overwhelmingly perplexing when held inches</p>
<p>away from one&#39;s face. Most people will seldom grasp this seemingly secret perception</p>
<p>of existence. “When I scale life forms up to be larger than a person, they can be</p>
<p>observed with this perspective from across a room due to the overwhelming physical</p>
<p>presence they command. It is my hope that when people admire my large-scale</p>
<p>renderings, they become curious and captivated by the hints of realism I incorporate</p>
<p>into my designs. I encourage people to attempt to observe with the same eyes through</p>
<p>which I humbly and graciously experience our natural world,” stated Jason.</p>
<p>Admission: $15 Adults, $13 Seniors (65+)/Youth (13-17), and $10 Children (2-12).</p>
<p>McKee members and children under 2 free.</p>
<p>Hours: Tuesday – Saturday (10 am – 5 pm) | Sunday (12 pm – 5 pm). The last</p>
<p>admission ticket is sold at 4 pm. The Children’s Garden closes at 4:30 pm.</p>

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Jan 20 2023 - Apr 30 2023


10:00 am - 5:00 pm