Home Events Concerts Florida Brass Benefit Concert

Florida Brass Benefit Concert

<div class=’ai1ec-event-avatar alignleft timely’><img src=’https://timelyapp-static.time.ly/images/38898986/CaptureMay7Flyer_7Hxc.JPG’ /></div><p>The American Gold Star Mothers, is a private, nonprofit organization of American mothers who lost sons or daughters in service of the United States Armed Forces. The Indian <br />River County chapter is on a mission to raise the awareness of and to prevent military suicides, which is an alarming 22 suicides a day. <br /><br />The American Gold Star Mothers are hosting a concert by the Florida Brass at the Vero Beach Elks Lodge on May 7th at 7:00 pm for this cause.<br /><br />The Florida Brass is made up of past members from all eras of over 60 different drum and bugle corps nationwide. They appear in parades and perform in concerts all over the sunshine state. The Florida Brass is a non profit organization and performs in these events for fun, to entertain the public and to raise money for instruments, uniforms and instructors. <br /><br />Their music offers up selections that vary from a Latin style beat to music from the opera…done with class and a flair that only The Florida Brass knows how.<br /><br />Admission is only $20 per person and includes packaged snacks. Tickets are available at https://floridabrass.veroelks.com.</p>

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May 07 2022


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Vero Beach Elks #1774 @ 1350 26th St, Vero Beach, Florida, 32960, USA