Home Events ELC Historic Jungle Trail Bike Tour

ELC Historic Jungle Trail Bike Tour

<div class=’ai1ec-event-avatar alignleft timely’><img src=’https://timelyapp-static.time.ly/images/38898986/135024562_10159317423627806_5621181559255764236_o_99qA.jpg’ /></div><p>The Jungle Trail Bicycle tour is a comfortably paced eight-mile tour of the Historic Jungle Trail. The tour starts and ends at Captain Forster’s Hammock Preserve and includes several interpretive spots where you will learn about the history of the Jungle Trail, Capt. Forster’s Preserve, and more.</p><p>REGISTER HERE: <a href=’https://www.discoverelc.org/post/bike-tour-of-the-historic-jungle-trail’ target=’_blank’>https://www.discoverelc.org/post/bike-tour-of-the-historic-jungle-trail</a></p><p>The bicycle tour is designed such that people with a basic level of fitness can complete the entire tour in the time allotted. The Jungle Trail is open to automobile traffic and biker must be able to pedal for two hours (with stops).</p><p>Please bring your own bike. We recommend Orchid Island Bikes & Kayaks rentals.</p>

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Mar 12 2021


4:00 am - 4:00 am