Home Events Cruisin’ for a Cause 2021 Fundraiser

Cruisin’ for a Cause 2021 Fundraiser

<div class=’ai1ec-event-avatar alignleft timely’><img src=’https://timelyapp-static.time.ly/images/38898986/155338756_10159483023882806_2645884839355026204_n.jpg%3F_nc_cat%3D108%26ccb%3D3%26_nc_sid%3Db386c4%26_nc_ohc%3Day7fKN702pYAX-R4OiX%26_nc_oc%3DAQlh2enehUv1PKaRCvPxwj8SMGjlTHrkTrupqjUZ4URWvNLsZbBhyzkK1DAn60lMPqE%26_nc_ht%3Dscontent-sjc3-1.xx%26tp%3D6%26oh%3D8a726c8ed8e87d8554ebab27d71e0f14%26oe%3D6061F57C’ /></div><p>Support the ELC with this fun in-person and virtual event, with many ways to participate.</p><p>Captian a Pontoon Boat – Gather a small group of family and friends as you ‘captain’ a private pontoon tour on the Indian River Lagoon!</p><p>Virtual event – meet team members of the ELC, discuss how you can get involved in our cause, enjoy entertainment, and receive our thanks for supporting our mission.</p><p>Online Silent Auction – Bid on a wide variety of exciting items! Or donate an item to be auctioned off.</p><p>Learn more and register here: <a href=’https://www.discoverelc.org/cruisin-for-a-cause’ target=’_blank’>https://www.discoverelc.org/cruisin-for-a-cause</a></p>

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Mar 10 - 24 2021


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Online Event