Home Events An Evening on the Boulevard

An Evening on the Boulevard

<p>Join us for a casual event to benefit St. Francis Manor of Vero Beach. We provide affordable, independent appartments to senior citzen on a limited Income. Our goal is to provide our resident with an attractive, safe & socially supportive environment. Catered by Counter Culture guest will enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres, a dessert bar, beer and wine, a slient auction and tennis exibition. Tickets are $100.00 per person and can be purchased on our wedsite www.stfrancismanor.com or by callin Tracey Soethe at (772)562-8575. We will look forward to seeing you on the Boulevard!</p>

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Nov 11 2023


5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The Boulevard Tennis Club @ 1620 Boulevard Tennis Lane , Vero Beach, Florida, 32967, United States

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