David Moshier

David Moshier, Creative Directer at Oasis Creative Resources and Publisher of City Guide of Vero Beach and Sebastian – originally from NY and now calls Vero Beach his home.

David Moshier isn’t worried about what anybody thinks of him – he’s focused on contributing to society and staying modest and grateful.

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“Frankly, I believe that what other people think of me is none of my business,” the former New Yorker said. The publisher of City Guide for three and a half years, Moshier encourages residents of Vero Beach and Sebastian to “shop local” and offers “affordable advertising opportunities.”

The former publisher of City Guide, Debbie Stern, offered to let Moshier redesign the then 16-page magazine. He gladly accepted. Now the 104-page publication prints 15K copies of each issue, which is released quarterly and mailed to thousands of residences and businesses and available at over 350 locations throughout the community.  City Guide offers maps of Sebastian and Vero Beach and lists local events, restaurant reviews, and features articles about non-profits in the area and how they’re contributing to Indian River County.

David Moshier

Not only does Moshier operate as the publisher of City Guide, he is also the Creative Director of Oasis Creative Resources, and Host of the City Guide Talk Show.  He is a board member of the Vero Beach Chamber of Commerce, Little Birthday Angels, Marketing Chairperson for Community Services Association, Publicity Chairperson for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer for the American Cancer Society (ACS) and Chairperson for the 2019 ACS Real Men Wear Pink. Moshier is also a mentor for men at Camp Haven and produces the marketing and fundraising collateral for the non-profit.      

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As if that doesn’t keep Moshier busy enough, he says he was recently was asked to be on the Advisory Board for the Human Nature Foundation, a local non-profit that “strives to improve human health simultaneously with the ecological health of our planet’s other species,” according to their website. They focus on connecting and enabling resources in the existing environment by supporting activities that increase human connections and stress the value of self and nature. 

Moshier has also been involved with The Source, St. Francis Manor, and Youth Guidance. Giving back to the community is essential to his happiness and gratitude.

When not busy giving back to the community and working his “jobs” which are actually his passions, he enjoys time with family, involvement with his Messianic Congregation and church, and studying the Bible. He has a nephew who he is a father figure to and is close with his parents and sister, Elizabeth.  His sister also plays an enormous role in the production of City Guide, and their relationship as siblings and as professionals is remarkable.

David Moshier alongside his sister, Elizabeth, at the ‘We Are Vero’ Networking Luncheon.

“Saturday mornings I attend a Messianic Fellowship called Tikvat Mashiach and take a Sabbath rest from sundown Friday ‘til sundown Saturday,” Moshier explained. “On Sunday mornings, I am part of the AV Ministry at St. Paul’s Church. Weeknights, I have a handful of regular meetings I go to including religious and self-help practices.”

Though Vero Beach has been his home since 1997, Moshier has been a graphic designer for almost 30 years.

“I have produced a number of magazines over the years and created, designed, and produced Vero’s Voice magazine for years with Rhett Palmer,” Moshier explained. “I had a very successful graphic design agency in New York City and taught Computer Graphics at Pratt Institute in New York for a number of years.”

Moshier has also traveled quite a bit, noting previous destinations as Scandinavia, Europe, Africa, and South America. Consequently, he also speaks a little bit of a variety of languages, he said.

“I don’t think much about long-term goals,” Moshier revealed. “I just ask God to guide my steps and He shines a light on my path. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and try to do the right thing and be considerate of others.”

His biggest influence is the Bible, which he acronines as “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.” Moshier also notes the tremendous influence his parents have had on him throughout the years.

“I appreciate them more and more and spend as much time with them as I can,” he said. “If that’s not ‘cool,’ well that’s just too bad.”

Not married and still an eligible bachelor, Moshier gives credit to a few mentors for his success and dedication to community. Lalita Janke, Rhett Palmer, and Lorne Coyle are three of the local mentors who have guided him.

His desire to help people and be creative makes Vero Beach a perfect fit for him. To all his success, he thanks God and His glory.

“I love Vero Beach. Amazing array of wonderful non-profits as well as networking and volunteer opportunities,” Moshier said. “The arts are rich here as well, and we have a lot of terrific restaurants.”

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”

~ Henry Ford

Moshier stays active in the “We Are Vero” networking luncheons as well and is always looking to support local businesses by getting their name out in the community.

His quote to live by is from Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”

To find out more about advertising in City Guide or to benefit from Moshier’s creative skills, he can be reached at 772-925-4154, by e-mail at davidmoshier@outlook.com, and his websites are OasisCre8ive.com and CityGuideSVB.com. Non-profits and businesses are welcome to tell the community about their services and projects on his City Talk radio show. Each episode airs 5 times (including live stream), and there are advertising opportunities available. He can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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