All Prizes Total Value: $835
Signature Art Gallery of Vero

Vero Beach Karate Association

Chaney's House O' Flowers

The Amber Ribbon

Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone

Signature Art Gallery of Vero

Eminence Hair Design

Main Street Vero Beach


Baci Trattoria

Carmine & Lucia's

by Isabel Truckner

That Face, That Face, That Face!! - Marley
by Diane Rudolph

Lloyd Laverack
by Karen Laverack

My Name Is Nugget
by Sharon Evans

by A. Snyder

by Cori McWilliams

Abby- Heterochromia
by Britney

Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Most Beautiful Peacock Of Them All?
by Jaime Campora

Best Friends!
by Kellie Tillis

Did Somebody Say 'steak'?
by Tania Hill

by Sherri

The 3 Muskateers!
by Krysta Marquis