All Prizes Total Value: $835
Signature Art Gallery of Vero

Vero Beach Karate Association

Chaney's House O' Flowers

The Amber Ribbon

Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone

Signature Art Gallery of Vero

Eminence Hair Design

Main Street Vero Beach


Baci Trattoria

Carmine & Lucia's

My Teddy
by Claudia Harrison

The Crown Is Heavy Darling
by Stephanie

Nap Time
by Bilbur

Looking Handsome After Haircut
by Patti Cascamo

The Dog Days Of Summer
by Missy Blades

Hello...My Name Is Grover
by A. Snyder

Country Dogs!
by Jeanne

But I Love Both Toys
by Patti Cascamo

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
by Marilyn Turner

by A. Snyder

Abby Loves Her Lobster From Maine!
by Diane Meyer

Super Dog Fynnegan And His Super Dog!
by D. Kato