The Community Church of Vero Beach
We are an inclusive, inquiring fellowship which follows the way of Jesus Christ and seeks to embody our founders' dream of 1924 that "there is more that binds us together than separates us in the worship of God." At Community Church, men and women are included in all areas of leadership: as preachers, deacons, teachers, in mission and outreach and service, as a committee members. We find common ground among the many church traditions in Vero Beach, and we beard the firm assurance that we need not invalidate another's belief to embrace our own. Our Church gratefully recognizes that we are inheritors of a broad sweep of Christian tradition with deep and sustaining roots. We utilize the traditional liturgical symbols of paraments, clerical robes and stoles, and other symbols as reminders of our linkage through time to Christian communities far and near. Like most churches, Community Church is committed to international missions, local ministries, deepening one's faith through the spiritual disciplines, and the giving of oneself to God through vibrant worship. Currently over 2000 individuals, representing over 56 denominations and religious traditions, claim Community Church as their faith home. We are a congregation covenanted with the United Church of Christ.