Osceola Magnet School
Reading comprehension and decoding skills are taught through a variety of literary forms. As children progress through the grades they experience instruction in study skills that include collecting, organizing and interpreting data, use of reference materials, and research techniques. Both formal and informal writing are taught at each grade level. Spelling and English skills are incorporated in writing activities across the curriculum.Students are active learners in an environment that develops conversation, experimentation, and critical thinking.Mathematics is an adventure at Osceola Magnet School. Student use manipulatives to explore concepts and discover the patterns and structures of mathematics. They are encouraged to chart new paths, to conjecture and work together to prove or disprove their theories. Students are given the opportunity to construct mathematical rules by making generalizations based on what they have discovered.Students appreciate the usefulness of mathematical knowledge when they apply that knowledge to other situations through the integrated curriculum. At Osceola Magnet School, mathematics is not something we do, it is something we experience!Osceola students actively investigate and explore the wonders of science and mathematics through regular use of the Science Lab and Discovery Room.The state of the art Science Lab, comparable to that of a secondary school, is equipped with stereoscopic microscopes, animal specimens and materials with which to construct scientific concepts. In addition, developmentally appropriate experiments are available for class use.The discovery room is also designed for exploration of mathematics and science. It is equipped with a full kitchen to allow for cooking experiences.
Osceola Magnet School Believes:
That a family and school partnership is essential in the learning process.
That children learn best through an integrated curriculum.
That learning is a process not a product.
That each child learns best by doing developmentally appropriate activities.
That education fosters, encourages, and nurtures creativity.
That each student is the central focus of all efforts.
In providing a safe and supportive environment that enhances self esteem.
That learning is fun, enriching and stimulating.
Through the exploration of mathematics, science, and technology children will be better able to meet the challenge of the future.
All children are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill or a family emergency arises. A written note explaining an absence is required when your child returns to school. Your cooperation in scheduling all out-of-school activities as late as possible in the afternoon is appreciated. We ask that you do not pick students up between 2:50 p.m. and dismissal. Parents who come to the classroom before the bell rings without a visitor’s pass will be directed to the office.
Tardiness of students inhibits teaching and learning in the classroom. As a result, we take this very serious at our school and urge all parents to have their child in school and on time each day. The first bell rings at 8:45. Any student arriving at school after the 8:50 a.m. tardy bell must report to the office (with a parent or adult) for a tardy pass before going to class. Parents will need to park in the lot and walk their child to the office. A written excuse stating the reason for being tardy is expected. Chronic tardiness will result in a referral to the attendance officer.
Extended Day Program:
Child care is provided in the Extended Day Program after school until 6:00 p.m. and/or before school beginning at 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. Registration forms must be completed and a $10.00 registration fee paid before a child may participate in the program. Students not enrolled in the Extended Day Program may not be dropped off before 8:15 a.m. and must be picked up promptly at dismissal. For more information please call Adult Ed at (772)-564-4999.
Please support our cafeteria. The cafeteria uses a pre-payment program. Students can charge meals up to $20.00 – once this limit is reached, a recorded phone message will call home each night until the account is up to date. Payments may be made in the morning or afternoon (please not during serving time).
Breakfast: Served daily from 8:15am to 8:45am.
Lunch boxes: Please mark your child’s lunch box with his/her name. All food brought to school as part of lunch must be eaten in the cafeteria. For safety reasons, do not send glass, carbonated beverages or knives in your child’s lunch box.
Behavior: We expect our students to be polite to each other and to talk softly to the people at their table. Inappropriate language, gross behavior or excessively loud talking will result in the child being brought to the office to call home.
Guests: Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child at the picnic tables. No students are permitted to leave campus during the lunch period.
Volunteers: We can always use volunteers in the cafeteria to help wipe tables and assist the students. The little ones need help opening milk and plastic containers. It’s an easy way to get your volunteer hours.
Visitor Check In:
When visiting campus, you must report to the front office. If you are volunteering OR visiting, please log on to the computer to receive a name tag. Please remember to sign out.