James Cooke Enterprises
Welcome to James Cooke Enterprises, Vero Beach, Florida.
History speaks to us about Leadership. The lessons and stories of the past have never been more relevant than they are today. Globalisation, Geo Politics and the challenge of a world expanding and changing rapidly at every level makes a new collaboration of knowledge and understanding ever more urgent with every passing day and new threat.
So welcome to a collaboration with James and Andrew to help you and your organisations fly.
James pioneered leadership consulting throughout the UK and Europe. Today James Cooke Enterprises LLC brings History, Psychology and Management Experience to help build Leadership on Boards, in Teams, and with individual Leaders. –
JCE are affiliated to A-Speakers International Speakers Bureau a global speakers bureau headquartered in Europe and with offices in New York and North America.
This site will introduce you to James’s work through short films, through excerpts from his talks, through his writings and through his book “Understanding Leaders”. Please explore the site, enjoy it, use it, and don’t hesitate to get in touch.