Grade Aid Tutoring
Families today are struggling in many ways. Whether traditional, blended, or single parent, families are spending less time together. As a result, the family unit is fractured and in desperate need of help. Our goal is to provide high quality experiences for families to enjoy being together at an affordable cost.We want to help families! Everything we do runs through a filter to ensure our events and activities do just that! A few examples of other events that Grade Aid Sponsors (besides just tutoring help) are:Back to School Blowout - 21 community organizations gather on our property to welcome the community to a festival with tongs of freebies and giveaways as well as information on how to make the new school year great!Breakout Summer Camp - A high quality, low cost summer camp that boasts the best field trips and activities around! Some of the activities are: surf lessons, chartered bus trip, kayaking, and SailFish Splash Water park.