Dodgertown Elementary School

Dodgertown Elementary School
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Dodgertown's Mission Statement 
We are a school with unbreakable spirit dedicated to meeting the needs of our students.  Our mission is to prepare our students, families and staff to develop critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and respect for core values including honesty, integrity, and motivation.
Dodgertown's Vision Statement
A school of responsive, engaged learners (children and adults) whose shared experiences today will prepare us all for tomorrow.
School Hours
Regular Day 
Monday thru Friday
8:40 am Report to Class
8:50 am Tardy Bell
3:20 pm Children Dismissed
The first bell rings at 8:45 AM and students need to be in class by 8:50 AM. Dismissal begins at 3:20 PM. Teacher hours are 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Campus opens for students at  8:00 AM. If students need to be dropped off earlier than 8:00 AM, we provide an early morning program for any student registered to attend Extended Day. Extended Day is offered for students who need supervision beyond 3:30 PM. Students must be registered to attend Extended Day. Please contact the front office if you have questions.
If students need to be picked up prior to dismissal, parents/designees must come to the office and follow the sign out procedures, which includes showing a picture ID and verification. Teachers cannot release students early, this is only done in the front office. If changes need to be made regarding your child’s dismissal, we require a written note with signature. 
Regular on time attendance leads to increased success in school. First bell rings at 8:45 AM and it is the goal to have all students in class and ready to begin their day. Final bell rings at 8:50 AM and students arriving after 8:50 AM are considered tardy. To avoid interruption of the education process, doctor and dental appointments should be made outside the school day whenever possible. If your child misses school due to an illness, please be sure to send a note or doctor’s excuse with your child upon his/her return containing the following information:

         Your child’s name
         Teacher’s name
         Date/s of absence
         Specific cause of absence

You may also phone in the absence by calling the office with the information listed above as soon as possible on the morning the absence occurs. If your child needs to be out of school for more than 3 days, please contact our front office personnel. Requests for excused absences will only be considered for medical reasons and serious family concerns. Please see our front office staff for a form, once completed submit it for principal approval. In order for students to be considered present, they must be in school at least three (3) hours during a day.
Dress Code

         Collared shirts in solid colors: navy blue, light blue, red, or white
         Bottoms need to be kahki or navy blue
         All skirts, skorts, and shorts
         Closed toe shoes with backs are required for safety
         Jeans can ONLY be worn on Friday with a spirit shirt or collared shirt

Extended Day Program
Child care is provided in the Extended Day Program after school until 6:00 PM, and/or before school beginning at 7:00 AM, Monday through Friday. This program is supervised by trained professionals. Who have received training in childcare techniques. Please call Adult Ed (772) 564-4970 for information.
Students not enrolled in the Extended Day Program may not be dropped off before 8 AM and must be picked up promptly at dismissal.
New Address, Phone Number, Custody
It is very important that the school office be notified immediately when there is a change of address, phone number, or custody.  We release students to the adults listed as parents/guardians unless a copy of a court order states differently. To ensure your child’s safety and well being, please keep the school informed. We ask parents to complete a “demographic card” each year and list those adults who have your permission to pick up your child from school. It is extremely important that changes to this information are shared with our front office immediately. 
Bus service is provided to students residing outside a two-mile area. Bus riding is a privilege and may be denied if a student fails to follow bus safety rules and procedures. Bus riders must follow the rules on the transportation sheet included in the student folder. The Transportation Department can be reached at (772) 978-8801 if you have questions about routes or schedules.
Car riders must arrive and depart from the parent pick-up area in the front entrance of the school.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
During the school year, parents will be invited to meet with their child’s teacher for an individual conference. Parents are invited to arrange conferences at any convenient time during the year. Conference night will be held in November and February. Notices and schedules will be sent home.
Field Trips
Official field trip permission slips must be completed, signed and returned to the student’s teacher before the date of the planned trip or the student will not be able to participate. Parents wishing to chaperone must fill out a chaperone form available in the office. The form must be completed at least two (2) weeks BEFORE the trip in order for the Principal to be able to approve it. Please make special note of both the time a trip plans to leave school and to arrive back. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for prompt pick-up from field trips. It is attempted to charge only what will be needed for each trip, but in the event money is left over, it will be used for classroom supplies or incentives.
Health Room
Students who are ill should not attend school when they cannot do their best. A health assistant is on duty from 8:15 AM to 3:00 PM each day. Students who become ill at school will be referred to the health room and the parent will be called. In order to do this, we need to keep accurate directory information at all times. Please keep your child’s teacher and the school office informed of any changes that occur in addresses, phone numbers (work and home), and emergency contact persons. Students with head lice will be sent home to be treated. Before returning to class, students must be rechecked in the clinic. A parent or guardian must accompany them for the lice re-check.
Only medications prescribed by a physician for a particular student will be given in school. They must be sent to school in the original container and you must fill out and turn in the medication form that is available from your pharmacy. Over the counter medications such as cough drops, cough syrup, and aspirin, etc. will not be administered unless accompanied by a note from the physician. All medication and medical forms must be left in the health room.
Children having any contagious or infectious disease should not return to school unless cleared by the health assistant or accompanied by a note from the family physician. Parents of students who are absent for any reason should contact the school. Children must be fever free for 24 hours, without medication, before returning to school because of the chance of a relapse and still being contagious. Please also keep your child home if they have vomited within a 24 hour period.Student Conduct and Discipline. 
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times. Rules, respect, and responsibility are necessary for adequate learning. Each student is expected to behave in a manner that does not interfere with the education of others. Parent cooperation and support is mandatory when discipline problems arise. Procedures outlined in the Code of Student Conduct of the Indian River County School District will be followed.

(772) 564-4100
4350 43rd Ave Vero Beach, FL 32967
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