Decorative Arts Inc

Decorative Arts Inc
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Decorative Arts started out as a brick-and-mortar retail home furnishings and accessories store in Vero Beach, Florida catering to local residents and interior designers. After 15+ years in business, owner, Deb Daly, partnered up with Stevie Cappelen over 5 years ago and run a full-service interior design firm, Decorative Arts Designs, catering to residents of Florida, New York, California and beyond. Our services range from decorating existing spaces to full-scale interior design. Whether you need to freshen up one room, renovate a space in your existing home, create design concepts for a future home, or fully furnish and accessorize a home or business, our team at Decorative Arts Designs would love to work with you on your project. Our relationships and access to fabric, furniture and accessories vendors around the world has been built over 15+ years to say we know where to find what you are looking for is no exaggeration. We also have an extensive network of the best contractors, architects, furniture makers, upholsterers, carpenters, plumbers and electricians to suit any size project. Please contact us any time through email at or by phone at 772.563.0040. Stop into our retail store and design center, Decorative Arts, in Downtown Vero Beach, Florida to shop a range of carefully curated home furnishings, accessories and gifts.

1923 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero Beach, FL, United States
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  • Decorative Arts Inc


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