Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services, Treasure Coast
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services of the Treasure Coast, a United Way Member Organization, serves the needs of the deaf, hard of hearing, and speech impaired in Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee and St Lucie Counties.At the DSC, they sponsor activities and services that "enhance the quality of life" and provide for the "equalization of opportunities" for those with hearing loss in in the community.Main Office TDD: (772)-335-9966 The Deaf Service Center is now a Regional Distribution Center for the FTRI phones on loan program. In the past, people would have to wait 6-8 weeks to get their phones via UPS. Now, you can come to the St. Lucie or Vero Beach office, fill out an application, and take the phone home with you. Please call the St. Lucie office to make an appointment. Also broken phones can be replaced on the spot.Hearing Aids NeededThe DSC is looking for donations of used hearing aids for our hearing aid bank. They accept any type and in any condition. The DSC works with a local audiologist who refurbishes them and then they are given to people in the community who could not otherwise afford them. The DSC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so they can give the donor a receipt so the value can be taken off their taxes.Services include:
Sign Language Interpreting
TDD and VCO Training
American Sign Language Classes
Hearing Aid Bank
Lending Library
Information and Client Referral
Client Advocacy
Speakers Bureau
For Membership & Donation information, click on the link below
The Treasure Coast Deaf Club meets monthly. Annual Meeting held in January