Beachland Elementary School

Beachland Elementary School
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The mission of Beachland Elementary is to increase student achievement for all students.
We will close the achievement gap.
We will create problem solvers through inquiry learning.
We will differentiate instruction and collaborate to meet the needs of a diverse student population.
We will partner with our community to enrich student exposure to the arts and our environment.
Arrival - Students should arrive at school between 8:15 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. Students must be in class by 8:50 a.m.
Dismissal - Students are dismissed at 3:20 p.m. Any change to a student dismissal routine must be received in writing with a parent signature (i.e. no phone calls). Under no circumstances will a child be dismissed directly from the classroom.  Please help to ensure a safe learning environment at Beachland Elementary School by complying.
During school hours, all visitors must enter the school through the front office and must sign in. Visitors must have identification (i.e. driver’s license).    
All students must wear the standardized uniform Monday – Thursday. Polo style shirts with collar and sleeves – any solid color; no stripes or graphics. Bottoms are navy blue, black or khaki. Fridays are “Spirit Days”.  Beachland T-shirts are worn by everyone!  Blue jeans are permitted on Fridays only. If jeans & tee-shirt are not worn, students must wear the standard uniform. Closed toed shoes or tennis shoes are required for safety.
Classroom birthday celebrations are handled at the discretion of each teacher.  Check with your child’s teacher prior planning a classroom celebration. Any foods intended to be shared at school must be commercially prepared, not homemade. 
Beachland Elementary has recently been recognized by the University of South Florida as a PBS Model School. Beachland is committed to promoting excellent character in our students. PBS enhances the District’s Character Counts Program.  PBS seeks to teach and reward desired behaviors. At Beachland, expectations have been consolidated into The Three B’s of Beachland:  Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Safe…and Ready to Learn.  When students follow the Three B’s, they are rewarded with tickets which redeemable for privileges or special items. It is exciting for students to earn tickets and rewards. The program has translated into an improved environment for all. Questions? Contact the Student Support Specialist at (772) 564-3300.
It is Beachland's belief that the majority of misunderstandings and problems can be resolved through discussion between parents and school personnel. The guidelines are designed to provide a “step-by-step” procedure to follow. Before coming to school to express a concern, parents should make every reasonable effort to gather accurate facts. Please follow the following procedure:

   Contact the teacher to schedule an appointment. If a solution is not reached, proceed to step 2.
   Contact the principal to schedule a conference with the involved parties. 
   If all possibilities, at the school level, have been exhausted, the principal will direct you to the appropriate district personnel.
   Contact the district authority to schedule an appointment. 

Parents/guardians and students over the age of 18, are given the right, upon written request, to be shown any record relating to the student which is maintained by the school and to be given an explanation of such records. Access must be granted within thirty days. Records maintained are: Cumulative, Health, Individual Basic Skills Record, Teacher Class Record, Test Scores and Attendance Records.
Students are also guaranteed the right of privacy with respect to educational records kept. Personally identifiable data may not be released without written consent. However, legitimate educational exceptions are provided by this law.
Parents are requested to mark all valuable items, lunch boxes and clothing so that they may be returned to the child. Unmarked articles are turned in to the office and are placed in “lost and found”. Students should not bring personal items such as video games, CD players, and other toys to school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of such items.
SAC - Parents, teachers, administration and business and community leaders work cooperatively to examine current issues and trends that effect learning at Beachland Elementary School. These interested persons make up the School Advisory Council (SAC). This Council meets regularly to create policy, review the budget and formulate the yearly School Improvement Plan. If you are interested in participating in this important group, please contact the Principal.
PTA - This group of interested people takes an active role in the day-to-day functioning of the school. The group is a child advocacy group which has influence in the government bodies of the State of Florida. At the local level, this group raises funds and disburses them to help the students of this school. Expenditures include enrichments programs, field trips, teacher requests, playground equipment, etc. Other programs and social events are sponsored throughout the year by the PTA. You are encouraged to become involved.
Volunteers may choose to copy, type, cut, paste, etc. There is a job for every interested individual. For information, call the Assistant Principal (772-564-3312).
Every Monday (or Tuesday following a Monday holiday), teachers will send home weekly work, class or school news, homework, or other important information. You are encouraged to read all of the enclosures and discuss them with your child. Please sign any requested items and return them to school. If you do not receive a Monday folder, please contact your child’s teacher immediately
When it is necessary for a student to receive prescription medication during school hours, it is recommended that the parents come to the school and administer the medication to the child. If the parent is unable to come to the school, the school will assume this responsibility only when the medication is in its original container and is accompanied by a completed medication permission form. All medication must be brought to the Health Room (not the classroom) by the parent/guardian. When necessary, a month’s supply of medication may be sent to school. The medication will be kept in the Health Room and the teacher will allow the student to come to the Health Room when necessary. The Health Assistant will administer ONLY prescription medication. An asthmatic student shall be allowed to carry a metered-dose inhaler with parent and physician approval. The school principal shall be provided with a copy of this approval. With the exception of inhalers, students are not allowed to carry medication of any kind. Nebulizer treatments during school hours will be managed on a case-by-case basis. (See health assistant for proper permission forms for nebulizers and inhalers).
In case of accident or serious illness, school personnel will attempt to contact the parent or emergency contact listed on the emergency card. If contact cannot be made, school personnel will determine appropriate action which may include ambulance transport or emergency room care. IT IS VITAL THAT EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS BE KEPT CURRENT IN THE SCHOOL OFFICE.
SCHOOL SONG                       
“We Are the Beachland Sharks” We are the Beachland Sharks,Gliding through the sea of life.Trying to do our bestDoing what we know is right.
We can bite off any task,If hand in hand, we stay.Future looks brightAnd success is in sight,‘Cause we’re learning, growing,Sharing, glowing, workingGrowing stronger each day!

(772) 564-3300
3350 Indian River Dr East Vero Beach, FL 32963
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