Bike Walk at Indian River County Awards

Bike Walk Indian River County Press Release

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On Wednesday, April 12 the at the public comment section of the regularly scheduled Metropolitan
Planning Organization meeting, Bike Walk Indian River County will recognize three individuals who have
had an extraordinary impact in supporting the goals of Bike Walk. The inaugural Bike Walk IRC awards
will be presented in three categories; Community Service, Advocacy, and Safety. The safety award will
be presented by Brad Cutler the son of Carl Cutler who was tragically killed while riding on A1A on a
beautiful Saturday in late May 2021.
The Bike Walk Indian River County Community Service Award will be presented to Jane McNulty Snead
of United Against Poverty. Ms. Snead has been instrumental in identifying individuals who are deserving
recipients of bicycles that have been rehabilitated by Bike Walk Indian River County.
The Bike Walk Indian River County Advocacy Award will be presented to Ed Barsotti, Program Director of
the Florida Bicycle Association. Ed is an expert on best practices in road design and construction, both
nationally and internationally, that provide maximum safety to bicycle riders and pedestrians.
The Bike Walk Indian River County Safety Award will be presented to Kris Kehres, Operations Engineer,
of the Florida Department of Transportation. Mr. Kehres was instrumental in working with Bike Walk to
get state-of-the-art 7 foot buffered bike lanes installed along a 7 mile stretch of A1A in Vero Beach and
Indian River Shores.