Arrrgh You Ready for Pirate Fest?

Do you have your costume for this year’s Pirate Fest? Check out these fun do it yourself costumes you can have ready in no time for the whole family!

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Each year, on the anniversary of that fateful voyage, Pirates, Privateers and Treasure Hunters of all ages gather to commemorate the loss of the 1715 Treasure Fleet in a family friendly celebration of piracy, better known as the Vero Beach Pirate FestivalEvent Details.

Pirate Shirt

Simply cut a white t-shirt in a jagged pattern around the bottom, sleeves, and neck.

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Take it a step further and add a lace after punching holes.

Pirate Shorts

Cut black leggings or shorts in a jagged pattern along the bottom.

Pirate Hat

1.)  Fold the black felt in half

2.) Cut 2 pieces of black felt the same size. Then use a piece of white felt to cut a skull and 2 bones.

3.)  Hot glue them to one piece of the black. Add eyes, nose and mouth holes.

4.)  Use the rhinestones for the skull eyes.

5.) Take the other black piece of felt. This is going to be the backside. Cut a small slit a couple inches from the end…big enough for your elastic to slip into.

6.)  Slide the elastic in and hot glue it in place.

7.) Make sure the elastic fits snug against the child’s head and hot glue  the other end of the elastic on the other side of the felt hat. Then Run a band of hot glue all around the outside border of the hat piece with the elastic tucked inside. Lay the skull facing up piece over the other piece and press them together. Doubling the felt like this will make the hat more substantial!

Pirate Hook

1)  Start with a square piece of tin foil.

2)  Roll up the tin foil and “squish it”.

3)  Cut a little hole in the bottom of the cup.  Make sure it isn’t too big.  The tin foil needs to fit tightly in order to stay in place.

4)  Place the foil through the hole, pull through, and twist into the shape of a hook.

Cardboard Pirate Spyglass

1.) Start by painting a sturdy cardboard roll with black acrylic paint. Paint the outside and the inside as much as possible. Set to dry.

2.) When it is dry, place a strip of masking tape at each end, about 1cm from the rim. Then paint the rim with the gold acrylic paint.

3.) Puncture a hole with a knife or any other tool and pass a cord through the hole.

Eye Patch

1.) Cut out your patch/patches. After they are cut, carefully using scissors or an exacto knife, make small slits on each side.

2.) Cut a piece of black yarn slightly bigger than the eye patch wearer’s head. For the kids, cut about 16 in. strands.

3.) Thread the strand through the slit.


1.) Using this template, print out parrot figures on red and green cardstock.

2.) Cut templates out. That’s all the prep. ARRR!

3.) Decorate with crayons or markers

4.) Add Googly eyes

5.) Glue feathers

Head Scarf

1.)  Take a square scarf

2.) Fold into a triangle

3.) Place it flat on top of your head

4.) Take two hanging corners and tie it into a knot at the back of your head

5.) Tie another knot on top of it and fluff the scarf above the knot to get the volume. You could also tuck in the leftover corners if you’re up for a cleaner look.

Grab some clip on gold hoops, face paint, and boots and you’ll be mistaken for a very real pirate! Enjoy the Annual Pirate Fest!

Nikki Kalin
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