Not much is known about Charles Wheeler’s life, as he likes to keep personal information to himself. We have not found a picture of Chico as he lives the life of a recluse in the
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Ft. Pierce area. He does not particpate in Highwaymen shows or make appearances anywhere. He stopped painting for many years and took it up again but he has not been prolific.
Many are happy to find a Chico most particularly an early work.
We do know that Livingston Roberts was his main mentor.
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We know that Chico began his painting career by making frames for Alfred Hair. He started painting sometime in the mid to late 1960s.
Like most of the other Highwaymen, he took to the roadways to sell his work. He supplemented his income from painting by working in the Fort Pierce and Vero citrus groves. In the early days, he would paint with Livingston after a full day of work.
His Painting
Charles Wheeler’s subject matter is more extensive than some of the other Highwaymen. He paints figures that pick oranges, hang laundry, fish, and walk down dirt roads. His landscapes and seascapes are dreamy and colorful, often sporting vibrant skies.
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