Divine Soul Readings
1789 Old Dixie Hwy Vero Beach, Fl
Recurring: Saturdays
Starts: Saturday 09/26/2015 12:00pm
Ends: Monday 09/26/2016 3:00pm
By appointment only
1 - 3pm
We believe everyone can reach their Divine potential. All you need is some knowledgeable information and a willingness to make new and better choices.
This is the instruction manual you have been looking for.
A Divine Soul reading is the perfect way to find out what your gifts are and why you are having trouble reaching your full potential. We will access your Akashic Records to see what may still be effecting you in this lifetime. The information given will help you to reshape your life, to reach your full potential and to align with your divinity.
Spirit Guide Coaching is one of the most efficient ways to continue to make choices for your best and most powerful alignment with your Divine potential.
We also provide Life Situation readings, Divine Relationship readings, Angel readings and spiritual counseling.
Your first Divine Soul reading takes 5 to 6 hours to prepare. We then sit for an hour discussing the findings.
First Divine Soul Reading $300
***Ask for first time special $200***
We have package deals for those doing Spirit Guide Coaching or Spiritual Counseling.