All Prizes Total Value: $955
Felicity Images
Vero Beach Karate Association
Vero Beach Computer Repair
Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone
Dede's Shoes, Bags and Apparel
Main Street Vero Beach
The Knot Swap
New York Yum Yum
by TooJay's
Spring Has Sprung
by Carolyn Shafer
Get Your Lollipop Kiddos
by Dr. Westberry Rocks!
We've Been Waiting For You!!
by Michelle Barley
Off Island Studio - Opening Night - Hiding In Vero...
by Saskia From Off Island Studio
Coastal Living
by Emily
Front Door Storm Protection
by Nellie Quiros
PD-go! Web Solutions - Web Design And Internet Marketing
by Steven Schwartz
Closed For Renovations
by Gregg
Jungle Trail Homestead Facing West. Actual Sunset Reflection In Glass
by Bonnie Owings
by Doris Jacoby
Doorway To The Air Waves
by Ray G.