Looking Pretty
by Beth Brown
Playful Lilly
by Paula Holmes
Playing Dead
by Greg Colton
Bella "I Am So Happy You Adopted Me Mommy"
by Deborah LaCroix
KC CHLOE HUNTER "How Much Are Those Doggies In The Window?"
by Deborah LaCroix
Dogtime On FaceTime! Frito Talking To Chloe!
by Amanda Krieger
Doggies In The Window
by Betty Ann Barbieri
Keeping My Eyes On You!
by Betty Ann Barbieri
Laughing Out Loud
by Mary Jane Thomson
Jake Ryan - I Not Only Do Laundry, I Also Do Dishes Too, Ladies!
by Holly Dean
Won-Most Talented-frisbee Catcher
by Bonnie Owings
The Happiest Pup!
by Katelyn Weir