Vero Vine - Online Community & Event Calendar
Carmine & Lucia's Carmine & Lucia's
Casp Baby Mommy & Me Boutique Casp Baby Mommy & Me Boutique
Florida Archery Foundation Florida Archery Foundation
Seahorse Lane Boutique Seahorse Lane Boutique
ELC Adventures in Learning Lecture Series ELC Adventures in Learning Lecture Series

Vero's Best Dog Photo Contest

Vero's Best Dog Photo Contest


All Prizes Total Value: $540

Vero Beach Karate Association
Vero Beach Karate Association
Orchid Island Dog Spa
Orchid Island Dog Spa
Pink Pelican Florist
Pink Pelican Florist
Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone
Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone
Eminence Hair Design
Eminence Hair Design
Main Street Vero Beach
Main Street Vero Beach
Baci Trattoria
Baci Trattoria
Carmine & Lucia's
Carmine & Lucia's
The Amber Ribbon
The Amber Ribbon

Love My Daddy! by Gretchen Schwartz

Fear The Beard!
by Ruth Ann D'Arrigo

Napping In My New Sweater
by Angela Bayak

Jag Ride
by Christine Stears

It's Been A Long Day...
by Saskia Fuller

Let's Dig
by Melody

Eltons First Fish
by Chris Schumacher

All Dressed Up & Ready To Go
by Barbara Castagna

by Kathleen

by Mary Sawicki

Feeling Those Good Vero Vibrations
by DeLisa A Boling

Ice Cream ...Yum!
by Bethany Leeland

Nap Time
by Brandy Giardina

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Top Contest Sponsors

Vero Beach Karate Association
Vero Beach Karate Association
Orchid Island Dog Spa
Orchid Island Dog Spa