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Introducing the $100 Homepage
No one in the entire country can beat this offer.
Do you have a business web site not up to snuff? Are you missing a web site and only using Facebook? Now is your chance to get a single web page, custom landing page or full 5 page website for only $100. Yes, it is responsive and MOBILE ready! We can very easily use the template created for Angelo and Brend LIVE, swap out images and text for only $100 or custom design a single page for you. That is right, you can get a full 5 page web site, with custom menu, header graphic and even a contact form that emails you with ALL your social media linked up correctly. Best of all, you will get Free hosting for an entire year. 12 months of hosting, support and monthly updates are included with this offer. Don't beleive me? Check Out Angelo and Brenda LIVE. Just $100.
Posted: 2015-09-17 14:26:29