Joy & Health For You

Joy & Health For You
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What started as a a personal passion for the therapeutic power of nature's essential oils, has grown into a worldwide company committed to transforming the health and lives of millions. From seed to seal organically grown and harvested oils are the foundation of all Young Living products for vitality, beauty and a healthy home environment.

Since 1995, Joy and Health for You has been dedicated to empower individuals and families with the many wonderful ways Young Living resources support your optimum well being. Whether this is your first time exploring the benefits of pure Essential Oils - or if you are already a long-time "oiler" you'll find relevant practical ideas for integrating these wonderful natural resources into your lifestyle!

Discover fascinating facts and creative ways to incorporate Essential Oils to suit your needs here:
Use our on-site How To Reference Guide for inhalation, diffusion, topical application and internal uses
Explore the many ways Essential Oils can benefit you and yours in Mind, Body and Spirit.

You can quickly and conveniently order the items that correspond to your needs directly through our site.


(505) 250-3089
Indian River County
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  • Joy & Health For You


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