Gifford Middle School

Gifford Middle School
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Students who arrive at school after the start of the school are considered tardy and must report to the attendance office for proper admission to class. The reasons for excusing tardiness to school are limited to illness, medical, or family emergencies. A student who has to leave school early must bring a note from a parent/guardian on the day he is to leave and present it to the attendance secretary. If a student is absent from school, please call attendance at 564-3551. Excused absences will be limited to illness, medical, family emergencies, or established religious holidays. Absences other than those listed or not called in will be considered unexcused. Attendance officer will follow-up on excessive absences, excused or unexcused.
Respect all staff members, fellow students, and school property.
Be an honorable citizen.
Be on time to all classes and observe all safety rules.
Bring 3-ring notebooks, writing instruments, and all other necessary materials to class.
Be properly attired by following the dress code.
Be kind and courteous and have a positive attitude toward learning.
Follow all school rules.
CODE OF CONDUCT (County Code, Brief)
Students will also receive a copy of our county Code of Conduct. The following infractions must be reported to police:
Battery on staff members
Sale/Purchase or Use of illegal substance or alcohol
Use of weapons
Sexual Harassment
Unjustified pulling of fire alarm or fire extinguisher
In order to most effectively utilize class time, it is necessary for students to be IN CLASS and READY TO WORK by the time the tardy bell rings. Teams will guide students so no student should ever be tardy. Tardies will result in detention on the 4th tardy each semester.
Students are NOT to be on campus before 7:25 a.m. If you are tardy between classes, go directly to class. DO NOT go to the front office. Tardies are handled by individual teachers.
During the morning of the student's last day of attendance, a note from a parent must be presented to the secretary located in the attendance office. The student will be issued a withdrawal form to be completed by his teachers during his regular day. All financial obligations to the school must be taken care before the student withdrawals. At the end of the day, the student will receive a copy of the form to take to his/her new school. This form is required to enroll in another Indian River County School.
You should take pride in and care of your school building, both inside and outside. Respect and pride mean keeping the building neat and clean. You can show your pride by:
Throwing all papers and trash in wastebaskets.
Helping teachers pick up papers from the floor at the end of each period.
Picking up anything left in the halls, even, if you did not put it there.
Not writing on the desk and walls.
Gifford Middle School has two Guidance Counselors. Students meet with the counselors as the result of the self-referral or teacher or parent request. Counselors are available to meet with students individually and in groups. The counselors are available to discuss personal, academic, and social problems.

(772) 564-3550
4530 28th Ct Vero Beach, FL 32967
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  • Gifford Middle School


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